OPEN THREAD: Enjoy your Saturday.

WELL, GOOD: Arkansas Supreme Court sanctions Pulaski County circuit judge over ruling on guns in courthouses.

The Arkansas Supreme Court on Friday rebuked Pulaski County Circuit Judge Morgan “Chip” Welch for violating rules of the Code of Judicial Conduct that require judges to promote confidence in the judiciary, demonstrate impartiality and act without bias.

The written admonishment comes in the form of an unsigned order that requires Welch to take a six-week online judicial ethics course by the end of July plus complete another three hours of ethics training before October. . . .

“Labeling and referring to an opinion by the Supreme Court of Arkansas as ‘LOCO’ erodes public confidence. His written opinion stating that the Supreme Court’s opinion ‘creates a new class of unlicensed, heretofore untrained, armed lawyers in courthouses of the State’ also erodes public confidence. To suggest that this court created a class of armed lawyers is dangerous, and it undermines the public’s understanding of the judiciary’s role,” the order states. “We interpret laws, we do not make them, and Judge Welch’s suggestion to the contrary damages the public’s view of the separation of powers and the role of the judiciary.”

The LOCO label was found to be a violation of Rule 2.3, a prohibition against showing bias or prejudice. The order invokes a ban on negative stereotyping while noting his duties include conducting commitment hearings in mental-health court.

“[We] think he should be more circumspect with his word choice. Using the Spanish word loco, meaning crazy, cavalierly referring to another court’s judicial order in a joking manner exceeds the bounds of appropriate judicial behavior. And when given an opportunity to respond, to admit only that he should have had better editing skills, suggests a lack of judicial maturity and reflection,” the order states.

Further, judicial code Rule 2.2 regarding impartiality and fairness was violated when Welch “made it clear in his written order that he disagreed with this court’s interpretation of the statute and with the statute itself. His opinion was sprinkled with disparaging remarks about the court’s interpretation of the statute.” . . .

The gun issue was before the high court as a result of a 2022 lawsuit by three lawyers, Chris Corbitt, Ben Motal and Robert Steinbuch, who argued that Act 1087 of 2017, codified as Arkansas Code 5-73-122, allowed lawyers as “officers of the court” to carry handguns into the state’s courthouses and courtrooms. Welch dismissed the suit in March 2023, leading to the appeal that brought the issue to the Supreme Court this year.

It’s a mistake to cross Prof. Steinbuch.

KNOWN-WOLF: “Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale reportedly told her therapist that she was fantasizing about killing her family and committing a school shooting, according to a report by 99.7 WTN radio host Brian Wilson. The therapist reportedly did not report these findings to authorities.”

Flashback: Nashville Mayor Furious Over Leak of Transgender Shooter’s Manifesto, Demands Investigation. “If there was any question about whether the photos released by [Steven] Crowder were real, this answers them. You don’t start an investigation into the leak of something that doesn’t exist.”

JULIO ROSAS: Reflecting On The Minneapolis Riots Four Years Later.

The evening before my flight to Minneapolis, I covered a BLM protest in downtown Los Angeles. Tensions were high. An American flag was burned. LAPD donned on riot gear and pushed angry protesters away from city hall.

But that paled in comparison to what I had witnessed on May 28. The radical elements within the city and beyond seemed to be converging on Lake Street and Minnehaha Avenue. Beyond a Minneapolis police convoy that quickly retreated just as quickly as they appeared, because of the mob attacking them, there was no authority to keep people safe. If you needed help, you were on your own.

It all culminated when the Third Precinct was attacked after the sun went down. Despite holding onto the building for days against the odds, officers were about to be overrun. Multiple times I heard rioters wanting to set the building on fire with the officers still inside. Mayor Jacob Frey ordered the officers to evacuate.

To highlight how much the rioters wanted to keep the officers trapped in the building’s perimeter, someone chained the back gate, forcing police to ram it to allow the evacuation to continue. After the officers were gone, the rioters’ dream became reality after the infamous fire was set. The crowd became ecstatic at the flames. They took selfies with the fire in the background. Fireworks were set off in the air.

While the riots had been going on in the Twin Cities for days, this was a turning point that sent a dangerous precedent: If BLM rioters were violent enough and had the numbers, they could get weak-kneed politicians to back down. It set a high bar for the rest of the rioters across the nation to reach, but Minneapolis showed them it was very possible to reach.

It was also a tactical error on the city’s part. Now that the rioters’ main target was gone, they did not go home. Instead, they spread out to create more victims in the name of social justice.

Thinking about that crazy night, I laughed how I naively believed that first wave of riots were going to be the only ones for that summer. By the end of that summer, I went from thinking, “Oh, this will end soon,” to “Will these ever stop?”

And they did (well, at least for a while), as the left finally gave up on their pipe dream fantasies of defunding the police, reducing the length of prison sentences and shrinking the size of jails:

Related: Four years ago, today:

Flash-forward: Kamala Harris Lies, Claiming That She Never Promoted the Bail Fund That Bailed Out BLM Rioters As Well As Murderers and R4pists; But the Tweet In Which She Promoted that Bail Fund Is Still Up!


ROBIN HANSON: Beware Moral Fashion. Like regular fashion, it’s easier to follow it, then when fashions change to laugh at the old ones and say “times were different.”